
home / "webmaster" / journalthing / other / links
welcome !!!

i mainly use this site for journaling and stuff. entries can be found in the journalthing.

originally made this to upload comics but i didn't end up doing that. might do that in the future? don't know. anyway i mostly just talk to myself on here. made on firefox. best viewed with a computer but phone is okay-ish (not really). might change the layout in the future if i get sick of the current one

i don't like how my wording is most times so expect a lot of changes.
entries in the journalthing might also disappear (they will not be coming back)


3.03.24- entries; slight changes 2 index

2.23.24- entries from the 14th-now

2.13.24- dogthing is no longer on the about page because i don't like how i drew it. also new entry

2.08.24- added more people's buttons! also 2 new entries

2.08.24- updated image links because i moved them to a folderthing and apparently. i can't just do that and think it'll be fine.

2.02.24- new entry. thats it

2.01.24- new entry. fixed bg on the not found page

1.31.24- new journalthing entry. guys should i remake the layout.

1.28.24- just rewrote half the shit on this site. added buttons to cool sites

1.27.24- new entry. also fixed some recent dates because apparently i never know what day it is. also uploaded the sticky note drawings. i've been doing stuff on this for almost a week thats crazy

1.26.24- deleted like half of my entries because i remembered people can actually read them and got embarrassed. also added one. fighting the urge to upload comics on here because i don't wanna make a new thing on my main site for them

1.21.24- new entry

1.20.24- new entry. added another button thing to the index and a new link

1.19.24- new journalthing entries from the past few days. added a few site buttons to 'links', also rearranged that page a bit

1.16.24- created links page and added an entry to journalthing. clicking on the links page from 'other' now works i figured it out

1.14.24- finally did something with this. made pages and linked them to eachother (individually because i don't actually know how 2 code). will probably do more messing around. just swagged up the index page with buttons i am not adding those 2 the other pages

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